Friday, July 24, 2009

Slow down

Ok. I do apologize. I am making an effort to post on a daily basis. This is my new challenge to me in to trying to describe things better. I had a conversation last weekend with another tormented writer. I told her about my feelings about writing and all the insecurities that I go through. She re-assured me that she goes through the same things, which really gave me hope that I was not alone. So this is me on my efforts in improving my skills. I also want to comment on my last blog. I feel that I could have done better. I am really just trying to find my voice. I think my style right now is organic. I feel more comfortable trying to bring life into simple words. My last blog felt too cold. I guess that is one of the challenges in front of me. I will try to find a middle ground right now, until I figure it out. In the next couple of blogs, I will try to describe things that are cold and try to bring warmth to it. I will also try to bring more life into something that has meaning to it as well. I do hope you hang in there on my journey of finding my voice and style. I would love to hear from anyone reading it. I would like any suggestions. I will also make more of an effort to read more. I think if I read more I would be able to find myself. The only issue I find with that line of thought is that I might take on someone's voice and not develop my own. I don't want to be a carbon copy of a great writer. I just want to write well enough so that I don't seem like too much of a fool. On a last note. I find it deeply ironic that I am not a reader, nor do I really comprehend all the rules of writing well, but I find myself drawn to the stage of writing.

The Caress

It is a hovering sensation. A simple touch. An exchange of sensations between two parties. You feel it as if it is there and not there at the same time. It is a hand or a finger that gives a gesture of there and not there. Moved in patterns and directions that give a sense of air. The air that can only be felt like a breeze coming in from the beach or silk cloth on the skin. This feeling is shared, as if the moment were to never really end. It is the presence of the touch that is not really there. It is gentle so gentle in fact that one could not be really be sure that it is there.


The End

"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda


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