Thursday, February 25, 2010

Same Same

Out of my 5 friends 2 had to leave earlier. Once they left our presence we decided to move onto Kyoto. I would have to say that Kyoto and Tokyo are by far different as night and day. There was more of a cultural aspect to Kyoto. Kyoto also felt like a small town in comparison to Tokyo. I really enjoyed that fact. My friend and I decided to take a bike ride through most of the town. We biked from 11am to about 5pm, and yet we didn't see all of it. I felt like I could really just get lost on the side streets and be okay with it. It was much quieter and the people didn't seem to be in such in a hurry. Its funny to say this but it was a small town with big life.

I would be able to see so many temples in such a small amount of time. Temples, shrines and places of worship were literally in spitting distance from each other. I had such a hectic schedule in Tokyo that on the way to Kyoto I joked about seeing 5 temples in one day. Funny enough I was able to do so just by walking down a street.

I had more of a familiar and simple feeling with that town. Most everyone rode a bike or walked to their destination. The town was much more English friendly. I really enjoyed gearing down and truly enjoying what the town had to offer. The best note was that everything was cheaper (relatively).

I highly recommend going to Japan. It had been on my to do list for a very long time and it did not disappoint at all. There were very few low moments. I enjoyed the environment and the people. Culturally amazing. They seemed to try to keep in their own culture while embracing the Western Culture. I have been in Korea for almost a year now and the difference is drastic at best. The Japanese make an effort to assert their Independence from each other. I was easily impressed by the way that they dressed and carried themselves. I was quickly reminded of New York or any major Metropolitan Town in America. The best part for me was that there was no shortage of Anime, Manga, video games, or technology anywhere. I was also pretty thankful that Godzilla stayed on Monster Island. I didn't want to have to fight him, but I was fully prepared to do so.

In Short, Japan = AMAZING


Happy Birthday Mom. There are so many words I want to say, but I find it hard to express them. When it all comes down to it, Mom. I love you. I don't think I can say more than that. Thanks for everything.


The End

Domo Arigato Mr.Roboto.


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