Monday, September 28, 2009

On on

So the weekend was interesting as usual. Instead of going to Jeonju on friday night, I ended up going to Iksan. I had a couple of friends that wanted to see me cause they haven't seen me in a while and sorely missed me, and I them. It was very interesting to say the least. Iksan is a smaller town then Jeonju and it has less foreigners in the area. They all pretty much know each other. Unlike jeonju, where the town is so big that foreigners don't really see or hangout with each other. When I was sitting down to drink some beer with my friends every person that passed by was greeted and they greeted back. It's one of those small towns that I could really picture myself working in.


There was the Hash event that my kennel was holding, it was called "the baboon circus". The event consisted of a couple main rules. First real rule was you come dressed an animal or at least some crazy socks. Surprisingly a good amount of people did dress up in at least some crazy socks. Since this was a relatively large event that we were holding, many people from Seoul came down to support us. Many of the hashers were from YKH3, SH3, and OBH3. They were nice enough to come down and make things interesting. We also had a couple of "virgins" take the run with us.

The trail was simple, it went up and down a mountain. The view at the top was simply spectacular. This also gave me an opportunity to talk with people and get to know them as usual. The trail was only a small part of the event. It was a scavenger hunt as well. We were formed into groups of 5 people, 4 walkers and 1 runner. That was the plan, but plans and people usually don't mix too well. We had some late comers and the runners out numbered the walkers. We did some impromptu moving around and it was set. The basic rule was run until you find a card with a monk sitting on a banana. On the back of these cards are questions. The teams were to collect said cards and try to solve them once they came back. This was the original plan, but it didn't work out as planned. By the time we got back to the end site, it was already dark-ish. The light was fading quickly and we still had to wait for many of the virgins to come back. Trying to organize and set the tone for a bunch of drunkards was difficult. The ceremonies had to be cut short and many things had to be ignored. It pained me, as acting GM, to do so, but I had to work with what I had. We finished circle and proceeded to head back to our relative motels.

The on after was held at a local restaurant called Nasa. It was a relatively nice place to eat. It sat high above the ground, about 5 floors high. We ate enough food to satisfy anyone. An incident happened with paying for the bill, but it was all worked out. Then most of us headed to the local Karaoke place. We had reserved a room for all of us. We had enough beer to satisfy any thirst. It was an interesting night out. Even though we knew each other on many personal levels, we were still shy about singing in front of each other. It wasn't until someone, me, picked Bohemian rhapsody by Queen, then everyone started to really get into it. We started to pick songs that we all knew and would sing too in our cars. We all started to really let loose and have fun with it. When the beer ended some of us went to a local bar. At that little event we only had about 7 people, we originally stated with about 15 or 16. This is where we really just sat down and had some real fun. We talked and joked for most of the night. G.I. Hoe the all American zero, in his drunken stooper made us laugh through the night with his jokes. We all took turns making jokes and telling stories. We were all at this until about 3 am.


11 am trail with Southside Hash House Harriers. They ran a trail that started and ended in front of the motel. It was a relatively short trail, that not many people ran. I personally did not do the trail, I was too tired. From what I was told and heard at the circle it was a good trail. It was confusing, as any hash trail will be, but it was good. Some of us had a late lunch with each other when the hash was over.

This was just another prime example of how the hash has helped me expand my mind and circle of friends. I did truly enjoy the trail and everything that surrounded it. The hash gives you a great chance to really get to know yourself and people. I would highly recommend doing a trail in your local area if you can find one.

That was my weekend.


The End

"I'm too old for this shit." Danny Glover


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